A ruthless killer... to destroy him, they had to create him.
Ты только получаешь один выстрел мести
Можно изменить внешность, жизнь и будущее. Но нельзя изменить прошлое
25 Years Of Absolute Pleasure! (2000 25th Anniversary Tagline)
She knew what it took to get to the top... a lot of heart and a little head
Thermopylae... mighty battle epic of a handful of men forming the invincible "flying wedge" - against a killer horde five million strong!
One Vicious Killer. One Relentless Cop... ...Ten Thousand Bullets
At last....the motion picture!
A personal raincloud can be deadly...
Steve and Walter used to have a preference for blondes. Then Steve was murdered... and came back as one. Will being a woman make him a better man?
Obsessed with the past. Condemned to repeat it.
It spans a whole new world of entertainment!
У всех фанатов есть главный фаворит. У фаворита - есть главная цель
Everything they know. All that they love. Is what they risk every day
Warner Bros. hit a new high in high adventure... bringing another best-seller to the screen!
Desperate, And Determined To Survive
Что может быть безопаснее, чем жить по соседству с полицейским?!
Fred Zinnemann's film of...
THE LOVE LIFE...THE BLOOD SECRETS...OF A SWAGGERING BUTCHER OF MEN! (Print ad- Herald Statesman, ((Yonkers, NY)) 26 July 1932)