Genius has side effects
У зла свой путь к победе
She walked off the street, into his life and stole his heart
If he's crazy, what does that make you?
Мистер Грей ждет вас
Бейся или не выживешь... Гони или никогда не сбежишь...
Ни стыда. Ни совести. Ни сиквела
Don't Die Laughing. We Could Get Sued (Season 4).
A town where everyone knows everyone and nothing is what it seems
Everyone does it, no one talks about it
Being the adventures of a young man ... who couldn't resist pretty girls ... or a bit of the old ultra-violence ... went to jail, was re-conditioned ... and came out a different young man ... or was he ?
Год 2027: Последние дни человеческой расы. За 18 лет не родилось ни одного ребёнка. Он должен защитить нашу последнюю надежду
Inside every one of us is a special talent waiting to come out. The trick is finding it.
Ни на миг не упускать ее из вида. Ни на секунду не терять бдительность. Не позволить себе в нее влюбиться
Get ready for rush hour
Я не умру вам назло…
Sometimes the only way to stay sane is to go a little crazy
Desire. Infatuation. Obsession
Watch it and make up your own mind
Фрейд против Юнга