Chuck Norris Explodes Across the Screen!
A Honeymoon is No Place to Have Kids!
The Story of a Woman Who Loved Unwisely...and too well!
When prim & proper meets wild & crazy get ready to ...
You'll always have a friend in me...
Meet Edgar. He'll make you sing, make you dance, make you laugh, make you cry, make you jealous, make you nuts.
What if the South had won the War?
You'll follow the career of Blizzard - legless king of San Francisco's underworld, with breathless interest.
He's a hilarious hawkshaw... with a case on Dottie!
Blasting the screen with «T-Men» fury!
The Loveable Bug is Back in High Gear!
IT CRUSHES! KILLS! DESTROYS! (original print ad - all caps)
What is Man's Favorite Sport?...Just ask any Girl!
Resisting her is futile. Giving in to her is fatal.
When you don't have a choice, you change.
...the uncommon movie.