There is only one Inspector Clouseau. His adventure continues...
THE PICTURE THAT TOUCHES NEW HEIGHTS OF EMOTION ( print ad - Lubbock Avalanche Journal - Lindsey Theatre - Lubbock, Texas - March 4, 1945 - all caps)
There Was This Girl in Climax, Nevada
From the depths of the sea... a tidal wave of terror!
The truth at last? What really happened to The Hindenburg?
Revenge. Liberation. Young Resistance Heroes.
for 1500 years one legend remains undiscovered undisturbed until now LOCH NESS
När man är nyfiken, uppfinningsrik och uppkäftig kan livet vara tufft... det är smällar man får ta.
Three Great Laff Stars ! . . . more gags and gals . . . more songs and dances !
Reality is only the beginning.
The Race of the Century ... Dazzling, Exciting, Incredible ... A Full Length Puppet Film!
The best things in life are free!
John Ford's Thundering Spectacle
History... Hollywood style!