Hard as nails, leader of a crime ring, but still a woman. Strange that she should fall for the one man who knew her love game too well! (Print Ad- Rochester Democrat-Chronicle, ((Rochester NY)) 18 October 1931)
No man. No job. No cat.
It is impossible to find all virtues on a unique man.
An actress is nothing without a meaty part.
It cooks. It cleans. It kills.
5 STARS IN THE YEAR'S GREATEST DRAMA! (print ad - Lubbock Evening Avalanche - Broadway Theatre - Lubbock, Texas - May 10, 1939 - all caps)
Love and war collide in a tale of riveting action
These Deep-Sea Divers are always in hot water...with the ladies!
Play it. Sing it. Shout it. Feel it.
All the world of fun and frolic is yours.