Чтобы свершить правосудие, ему нужно сесть в тюрьму
Он сокрушает врагов одним ударом
Before a lifetime of adventure, they had the adventure of a lifetime
Passion. Power. History.
Something Dangerous Is In The Air
Кто остановит смертоносный экспресс?
It's going to get Cold this Summer!
Mass destruction just met its match
D-Day Began When The Dirty Dozen Were Done!
He who struggles initially, might succeed eventually, and even finally.
He'll get you away faster than anyone else on wheels.
Ему нет равных ни в воздухе, ни на земле
They trained him to kill. Now they want him dead
They had it all. It cost them everything
Unarmed and extremely dangerous
He'll burn you cold