RECKLESS with WOMEN...He pursued them ..."petted" them...promised them nothing and got away with everything! (Print Ad-Gettysburg Times, ((Gettysburg, Penna.)) 6 July 1934)
20th Century Fox Winkingly Introduces You to the Girls and Guys Who Make the Office Such a Wonderful Place to Love In!
Is it possible to come back from the dead?
People die... Get over it.
How freaky would it be if you turned into your mother?
Auf der Suche nach Wahrheit
A riotous new twist in the art of gentle persuasion!
Algunas veces hay que perder la razón para encontrar la libertad. (Mexico)
Sometimes you feel like a nut... sometimes you are
Trouble is his business and business is good.
It is being talked about as few motion pictures in recent years!
Never underestimate a man with something to say.
4 Friends, 3 Guys, 2 Couples... You Do The Math
Whether you're crude, lewd or just a slacker dude, it's...
Fear Reality