You never know who your angel's gonna be
Sometimes love can conquer fate. Sometimes not.
The Legend of Frankie Wilde - the Deaf DJ
Jude Law is Dom Hemingway and you're not.
This man wants you to die on your own terms.
The threat of a new Cylon Empire is about to begin...
Sometimes the people you know the least...are the ones you need the most!
Кто такой Кайл XY?
She's giving him something nobody else could. A reason to live
Who do you live for?
Любовь - не извращение
Based on a true story, that was based on a lie.
This is what love feels like
Любовь. Любой ценой
История жизни... рассказанная сердцем
Ginger Snaps....AND Bites
Come to Laugh, Come to Cry, Come to Care, Come to Terms
Правда. Честь. Верность. Семья. Чем ты готов пожертвовать?
Холостяк срывает куш