Can you ever control another person's sexuality?
A Sparkling, Upbeat, Sexy Comedy!
Любовь не преступление, но может быть наказанием
Stark Terror Meets Art in a Deadly Game of Cat and Mouse. (DVD)
Murder. Mystery. Romance. Just another ride on the subway.
A film about love for man and what remains of him.
The shocking true story of Henry Lee Lucas.
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Can music tame the raging soul?
What keeps you together when you're worlds apart?
Al Pacino is Cruising for a killer.
Detours can be deadly.
Growing up in this family, you'd have to be... C.R.A.Z.Y.
The music will inspire them. The dream will unite them. This summer get crunk
For over two thousand years, Europe has survived many great disasters. Now for the real test... The Griswold's.