What do you do when you're allergic to girls?
The Fanatic. The Follower. The Fugitive. The Tracker.
Partners in Piracy. Rivals in Romance. Allies in Adventure.
The Love Story of a Bold Buccaneer
Can you imagine AMERICA'S HUMAN TANK in the role of a nurse? YES, IT CAN BE DONE. SEE AND BELIEVE. (Print ad- Duluth Herald, ((Duluth, Minn. )) 27 July 1918)
Only Two Women Knew The Secret Behind Lon Chaney, The Fabulous Man Of A Thousand Faces!
Invincible...Indestructible! What was this awesome BEAST born 50 million years out of time?
right place. right time. wrong guy.
Dashing Thieves of Baghdad...riding out of the magic and splendor of
Hungrily, he watched her walk down the street...and then he squeezed the trigger!