In the tradition of Voltaire's Candide and Jerzy Kosinski's The Painted Bird.
From the book by Robert Ludlum, the master writer of international espionage.
Imagine the possibilities.
A Love Larger Than Death
Based upon the true story of a shipwreck.
Путешествие в сторону мифов и легенд
Asistencia Opcional. Pasión Requerida. (Attendance Optional. Passion Required)
Страсть, изменившая мир
Are you afraid of the dark? You should be.
It was a dangerous time to be a woman. And a good time to have friends
A baby duckling is shunned by his family because he is different.
There will be time to wonder "do I dare"
Anything that makes people happy can't be bad, can it?
Only HITCHCOCK could direct...Only LAUGHTON could act in this mighty drama of unbridled passions (Print Ad-Newburgh News, ((Newburgh, NY)) 5 December 1939)
Berlin. 1961. The true story of a flight to freedom.