Не шути со смертью, она может этого не простить
It Is Now Rated PG Because we want everyone to see John Travolta's performance... Because we want everyone to hear the #1 group in the country, the Bee Gees... Because we want everyone to catch 'Saturday Night Fever'
Что скрывает Марни?
It's 1980 and this is what high school was like for the rest of us.
An outrageous new comedy for anyone who's ever had hair
Всепоглощающая страсть, несмотря ни на что...
Seduce and Destroy.
The sexy comedy with a twist
We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars
Life is hard. Death isn't any easier.
Seen from a distance, it's perfect
A true story of the mystery of music and the miracle of love
Queens, New York, 1986. Sometimes the only way forward, is back.
Без тормозов...
Мир, в котором фантазии оживают
Кто ищет, тот всегда найдёт