Anything broken can be fixed.
If you believe, no explanation is necessary. If you don't believe, no explanation is possible
Armed and dangerous. the search for love, you can find yourself.
WOMEN...He finds them...loves them...leaves them...on his million dollar march to self destruction!
Big Heroes Come In Small Packages.
Some people will try anything... even falling in love.
En film av Jan Troell fritt efter Per Olof Sundmans roman.
WHY DO PEOPLE SAY "s-s-sh!" when this book is mentioned? Are they afraid to admit that such things can be true? Some say it's hokum. Thousands swear it's gospel truth. Everybody says it's striking entertainment. (Print Ad-Daily Alaska Empire, ((Juneau, Alaska)) 28 January 1933)
It's never too late to re-tune your soul
In a world full of hopelessness & despair came a love that would last forever.
Guess who's coming? Everyone
Elvis goes West...and the West goes wild!
All About a Magical Place....Called Friendship