Повсюду кровь - повсюду смерть!
За чертой Апокалипсиса
When the Nightmare ends . . . the Terror begins
Тьма охватывает нас, когда уходит вера
It will scare you... to pieces.
Every girl dreams of turning 16 and celebrating in style, but things don't go as planned.
Fresh water. Fresh meat.
Silent, unseen, the creatures live among us... and hunt.
The hunt has begun...
SARDU: he was the creator -- the director -- the master!
В этом городе настоящий ад
This is no ordinary love triangle.
Death polished.
If you like strong thrills, come to see us... But do not come alone... Just in case.
An extraordinary picture of man's fate and man's hope...
Vampires! Voodoo! Vixens! Victims!