Can any man quench the blood-passion of Irena?
Love what you eat
Everybody loves a clown... some more than others.
You Dont Pick Them, They Pick You!
The film that required the ultimate sacrifice.
No Evil Deed Goes Undone!
When A Geek Gets The Ultimate Power... ANYTHING can happen!
This is your mind on drugs
Sometimes the Best Friends Are the Ones You've Known Your Whole Life.
Там где бесчинствуют мёртвые, живые обречены на страшную смерть...
They just have to finish the film... before it finishes them
All that was left after...THE KILLER SHREWS! (Used in conjunction with a woman's pink pump and splattered blood)
Don't run, don't scream, don't even breath
Not ONE WORD is spoken on the screen!
True evil can never die
In The Final War Between Heaven & Hell, Pray He's On Your Side