The mindless, murderous fury that was buried with Jason has been reborn. And suddenly, terror has become child's play!
In October of 1978, 4 high school students disappeared outside Detroit, Michigan. 20 years later, their footage was found
Being wild is in their Blood
There are two sides to every lie
Все взаимосвязано
Raw, Powerful, Extraordinary... A Love Story of Surprisingly Epic Proportions!
Давно не было девушки? Сходи в кино!
Everything is hotter down south.
Big Brother's Twisted Sister
Эта сторона войны всегда была закрыта для посторонних глаз
After a decade of silence... The buzzz is back!
На изломе судьбы
No Exit
These are the Armies of the Night. They are 100,000 strong. They outnumber the cops five to one. They could run New York City. Tonight they're all out to get the Warriors.
The perfect house hides the perfect crime
A great tragedy has befallen the royal family leaving only one heir to the throne...
Worst. Babysitter. Ever.
The creator of the first returns to bring you the last
Они голодны. Вы их обед
The amps are on but nobody's home