We are such stuff as dreams are made on and our little life is rounded with a sleep.
The music, the movement, the romance, the passion . . . all explodes on the BIG SCREEN.
Join the castaways for a shipwreck of laughs as comic tars Bob Denver and Alan Hale, Jr. bumble a new escape. (season 1)
He's Setting Sail On The High Seas... Without A Rudder, A Compass, Or A Clue!
In the Super-Dreadnought of Musical Shows
This Summer's Destination For Fun
Try to rip him off and he'll rip you apart!
That Joyous New Musical !
The Truth is Indecent.
Neither Bombs, Bullets, Jets or Rockets Can Stop Gorgo...But This Little Boy Knew His Secret!
Once Upon a Magic Time...