The heroic saga of Custer's Last Stand!
CHOOSE!... Between your white father and your Kiowa mother !
No grander Caesar... No greater cast!
First APPROVED Then CONDEMNED by the Legion of Decency
He was a powerful warrior from the future, trapped in a prehistoric land, battling for the survival of his people.
The Indian Fighter and the Girl...a love as fierce as a fire arrow!
Feel the magic. Taste the fear. Live the adventure.
Savage by savage...they fought out of a deadly Apache torture trap!
Human Dynamite Explodes!
Spectacles of Massive Might Beyond Any Ever Known Before!
ROMANTIC WESTERN ADVENTURE! (original print ad - all caps)
CinemaScope spectacularly spreads before you the velvet cape and violent age of Sir Walter Raleigh and The Virgin Queen.
Well Excuse Me, Princess!
Adventure Beyond the Edge of Time
IN A WORLD AS DIFFERENT AS NIGHT AND DAY! (original ad - all caps)
En film der begynder som en hemmelig hvisken, og ender i et skrig (A film that begins as a secret whisper, and ends in a scream)
The Battle for Texas and the Battle of the Sexes!