It Is Now Rated PG Because we want everyone to see John Travolta's performance... Because we want everyone to hear the #1 group in the country, the Bee Gees... Because we want everyone to catch 'Saturday Night Fever'
It walked away with just about every award there was - and it still could !
There IS a fate worse than death
The Beatles starring in their first full-length, hilarious action-packed film !
X was never like this
These 5 Men Had a $2,000,000 Secret Until One of them told this Woman!
Кто сказал, что место женщины на кухне?
Если не с кем назначить свидание, создай себе девушку сам!
Take part in some amazing thrill-ride
The Orient created the world's deadliest art. Now there's an American master!
10 человек будут сражаться. 9 человек умрут. Вы это увидите
He didn't come looking for trouble, but trouble came looking for him
A movie with a lot of balls
fear never travels alone
There is no comparison.
Beyond Good... Beyond Evil... Beyond your wildest imagination...
Beyond love, beyond obsession, there hides something beyond reason.
James Dean in his sensational role. (Australian daybill)