Вы больше не боитесь темноты? Напрасно...
Nobody does him better
It's just you and me now, sport...
A New Beginning, A New Threat...
Один из живых за одного из мертвых
Go to Hell!
He is a phantom - a wraith
Things are about to get a little hairy
He's seen the future...Now he has to kill it. He'll need bigger guns
It took God six days to create the earth, and Monty Python just 90 minutes to screw it up
Live as one. Die as one.
The residents of Rockwell Falls are dying for you to visit...
Секс, насилие и всё такое...
Прошлое не отпустит
One Mother. One Daughter. One Lover. Someone's got to go.
These children are home alone too. But their parents are never coming back.
Not all monsters are scary to people. Not if it's one fighting crime in the Garden State.