Sherlock Holmes' Most Terrifying Adventure!
Provocative Adult Entertainment
Два столкнувшихся мира
THE PICTURE OF THE GENERATION! (original print ad-all caps)
It's not a punishment to remember someone you love. The punishment is to forget.
The international stage success seen by more than 42 million people in 145 cities all over the world!
BROADWAY'S BIGGEST a perfectly swell motion picture!
He believed in Love . . . Honor . . . and Obey - That Impulse!
...the fleeting emptiness, inevitable pretense, necessary concealments of a clandestine love...a mature theme that neither evades the issue nor spares the spectator.
Randy Bodek has no idea how to treat a woman . . . but he's working on it.
Simply a Lovable Film!!!
TO BE OR NOT TO BE MARRIED...that is the question!? (print ad - Lubbock Avalanche Journal - Midway Theatre - Lubbock, Texas - May 5, 1945)