Law and justice are not necessarily compatible . . .
What horrible fascination did this monster have for women?
Hold on to your faith. It's in for a bumpy ride
THERE'S NO TURNING BACK! (original print media ad - all caps)
He Stole The State Of Arizona And Gave It To His Bride!
The chant of the underdog
The moving finger writes...
A woman made for love... sacrificed on the altar of a desperate passion... (Print Ad-Nashua telegraph, ((Nashua, NH)) 5 December 1929)
His mob. His rule.
The woman of flame -- the man of steel -- together !
Judy Holliday is Solid Gold!
She Loved Him, So She Shot Him.
Mellow as a mint julep and twice as refreshing.
Una historia real... tan real que aún sucede.