You never can tell the outcome in this superb melodrama by the man who made «Metropolis.» (Print Ad- Granby Leader-Mail, ((Granby PQ)) 7 June 1929)
How Far Would You Swing... To Get The Girl You Love?
Born in the magic of youth. Forged by the passions of war. Their love knew no boundaries.
Terror by good intentions.
Shirley's A Little Swiss Miss In The Loveliest Story of Her Career !
A Different Class of Misfits
They're Gonna Love You ... 'Til You're Dead!
"The Godfather" Gave You an Offer You Couldn't Refuse. "The Family" Gives You No Alternative.
The past is always present.
No one can stop this killing machine....It's Already Dead!!!
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Disney makes the classic musical more magical than ever!