Creature of Slime and Sludge Spawned by Pollution's Poison Threatens to Destroy the Earth!
A Trilogy of Shock and Horror!
Truth Lies a Heartbeat Away.
He's not a serial killer. He's much worse.
Нет веры без крови
Sons, lock up your fathers... vengeance arrives on... Father's Day!
His path to enlightenment began with revenge...
A Psycho-Sexadelic Horror Freakout!
An evil entombed for 2000 years... until now.
Something is after Jessica. Something very cold, very wet... and very dead...
The time of day when mystery and passion become one.
come where the PLEASURE LOVERS are
When you open your door to strangers, you never know who might come in.
The shockingly naked facts about L.S.D., revealing for the first time an inside look at the damaging effects of the sugar cube on the morals of a young girl!
A Screen Event To Be Remembered For All Time !