Every fear hides a wish.
When murder is your business, you'd better not fall in love with your work.
It's Mating Season
The cops want HER. The killers want HIM. THEY want a divorce. Ain't love grand!
A sexless new comedy
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This key will answer your questions to these screaming mysteries...(next to a skeleton hand holding a key)
Emanuelle's back to take you places you've never been before!
Foxy is in town, so gather round and watch a real shake down. Cause she's got drive and that ain't jive. She don't bother to bring 'em back alive.
Women behind bars without men - What do they do to satisfy their innermost female desires!
The Francis Coppola classic that audiences never had the chance to see
One Day She Met a Man Who Loved Beautiful Women...But Not All in One Piece
Sometimes the only way to stop a criminal is to become one.