Преступление и наказание
From the bestselling author of «The Firm» and «The Client»
You've never seen anything like it
You're inside now.
It's a kids show... with gangsters, bribery and corruption!
Will love conquer hatred?
A child's chance to escape anger and injustice begins with one man...His father.
An epic story of three brothers. Bound by blood. Divided by fate. Driven by destiny
18.000 Estudiantes 33 Nacionalidades 6 Razas 2 Sexos 1 Campus (18,000 Students 33 Nationalities 6 races 2 Sexes 1 Campus) (Spain release)
Falsely accused. Unjustly convicted. Determined to survive on the inside. Demanding justice once he's on the outside.
You know the man at a glance. And he still carries a badge. DON JOHNSON is JERRY BECK.
The woman held the key to his past. The man wanted to buy his future. Now both were trying to kill him.
Set Up and Betrayed ...
Action explodes all over the place when the big three join forces to save their race!
Right-wing terrorists are living in America. They may be your neighbors.
Forget what you know.