There Was Only One.
Nothing is more important than friendship. Not fame, not money, not death.
1919. The year America saw major league baseball played a whole new way...underhanded.
Whether you're crude, lewd or just a slacker dude, it's...
Ты можешь выиграть...если сможешь сыграть!
A kid with an impossible dream. All he needed was a lucky break!
Comedy so gay...drama so so will be the talk of OUR town! (print ad - Lubbock Avalanche Journal - Lindsey Theatre - Lubbock, Texas - October 4, 1942)
No Gut, No Glory
Jack Lemmon in his most important dramatic role since "The Days of Wine and Roses."
LLOYD'S LATEST (original print ad - all caps)
The Whole World's in Tune . . . with Bing and Bergman together at their most brilliant best !
One man alone understood the savagery of the early American west from both sides.
Все его ненавидели, и это ему нравилось
A Boy. A Horse. Champions
First, their love was forbidden by law. Then it was torn apart by war.