
Полный список кино, фильмов и сериалов, которые были найдены по запросу «аппалачи»
Октябрьское небо

Фильм основан на реальных событиях

Холодная гора

If hate sends men to war, then it must be love that brings them home. ( Moviepix Canada)

Сезон убийц

Честный поединок один на один

Дочь шахтера

She was married at 13. She had four kids by the time she was 20. She's been hungry and poor. She's been loved and cheated on. She became a singer because it was the only thing she could do. She became a star because it was the only way she could do it.


It takes more than guns to kill a man

Сержант Йорк

America's Greatest Modern Hero! Timelier today than ever... thrilling and inspiring story of the kind of men that America is made of!

Война округа Харлан

It's Her Turn To Fight Back.

Насест ангела

Sometimes the longest journey is the one that brings you home.

Рождество в Дымящихся горах

Seven orphans and a country singer. It'll take a Christmas miracle to keep them together.


It began as a lesson about prejudice... What happened next was a miracle

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