Фильмы и сериалы 1929 года

Фильмы, сериалы и мультфильмы, которые были сняты в 1929 году
The Doctor's Secret

1000% ALL TALKING (original print ad - all caps)

The Million Dollar Collar

Mistaken Identity, a bobbed-hair bandit and a gang of desperadoes. this melodrama zooms with double-barrelled action. (Print ad- Morning Leader, ((Regina, Sask.)) 20 March 1929)

The Sophomore

It's a new brand of whoopee-they call it rah-rah in college-It's fresh and vital and humorous and human and everything else you want in movie entertainment! It will leave that rah-rah taste in your mouth! (Print Ad-The Dispatch,((Lexington, N.C.)) 21 April 1930)

Диана — история парижанки

Intense Drama in a Love Story centred in Napoleon's Retreat from Moscow.

The Girl from Woolworth's

5 Times the Thrill - 10 Times the Romance (original poster)

The Fall of Eve

S-S-S-S-H!! IT REALLY WASN'T AN APPLE AT ALL! Adam really got tired of looking at his mate continually dressed in a fig leaf... (Print Ad-Lewiston Morning Tribune,((Lewiston, Idaho)) 24 October 1929)

Mister Antonio

Travel the Open Road for Love, Adventure and Fun with- Antonio Giovanni Garibaldi Mussolini Cemaradino and his hurdy-gurdy caravan! (Print Ad- Eugene Register-Guard,((Eugene, Ore.)) 31 December 1929)

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