It's as intimate as a good-night kiss! (Print Ad- Milwaukee Sentinel, ((Milwaukee, Wisc.)) 29 September 1929)
It's a comedy drama of New York life of a restaurant proprietor and its a scream from start to finish. (Print Ad- Sheffield Observer, ((Sheffield, Penna.)) 28 March 1929)
HE LEFT HIS BRIDE BEHIND HIM AND WENT AWAY TO FIGHT FOR HIS COUNTRY IN A BLAZE O' GLORY, BUT returned to become involved in a love triangle that tried his soul and brought into his life a great tragedy. (Print Ad-Albany Times-Union, ((Albany, NY)) 2 March 1930)
The Mysterious Doings of a Gang of Smuggling Coolies. (Print Ad- Auckland Star,((Auckland, NZ)) 21 September 1929)