Humanity! She's come to you! Laying aside the bountiful curls-wistful, pathetic-ugly, she appears before you as a representative of the many poor who work drudgingly, unceasingly, that a few who do no work at all may live off their labor-and seem happy! (Print Ad- Los Angeles Sunday Times, ((Los Angeles, Calif.)) 11 July 1920)
In which "Sixteen" finds stealing hearts a more dangerous pastime than stealing doughnuts. (Print ad- The Age, ((Melbourne, Vic.)) 30 October 1920)
The Smile on Life With a Tear Behind It. (Print Ad- Toronto World, ((Toronto, P.O.)) 17 September 1920)
Some of the feats performed by this daring aviator are almost unbelievable and just as the picture is finished Lt. Locklear and his pilot lose their lives. (Print Ad- The Times-Optimist, ((Gilman, Mont.)) 8 April 1921)