A BREEZY tale of a millionaire who became a chauffeur to win a girl- Innocently took the name of a notorious crook- Was forced to pose as his real self. (Print Ad- The Daily Colonist, ((Victoria, BC)) 29 May 1920)
Magnificent and Thrilling Serial Production based on the famous Detective Stories of Marcel Allain and Pierre Souvestre
A Romance of Heroism
«I feel so ashamed in this dress.» (original three-sheet poster)
It's Tough to Need a Nurse, but it's a lot harder to have one who's ugly. However, when one's eyes are bandaged for weeks and the bandages then are removed and the nurse proves to be a beauty- Oh, say, ain't it a grand and glorious feeling? You'll just go into «rap-chers» over this picture. (Print Ad- Nevada Daily Mail, ((Nevada, Mo.)) 23 June 1920)
'Dinty' Will Be Loved By Everyone Who Sees Him. It Is a Real Human Picture With Laughs and Thrills Galore. By Far Neilan's Best Picture.
RICH YACHT OWNER ELOPES WITH WRONG GIRL (Print ad- Nashua Telegraph, (Nashua, NH)) 5 December 1921)