An epic story of three brothers. Bound by blood. Divided by fate. Driven by destiny
He Had To Choose Between His Best Friend... The Woman He Loved... And The Greatest Rock «n» Roll Band In the World.
Welcome to a summer of their lives you will never forget.
The things she does to men can end only one way - in murder!
She gives you that weird feeling!
Is Lucy Muir's love really a ghost, or is it a man of flesh and blood she yearns for?
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In 1939, Elena went to Paris searching for her voice as a writer. What she found was her voice as a woman.
...and now the screen is struck by lightning !
Volker Schlöndorff's Masterly Film
Il n'epargne personne.
Unanimously acclaimed as the super-suspense hit!
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Believe in the power to change your destiny
In the 1930s, an artist and his models scandalized a nation with their controversial paintings. For a young couple, meeting them was the experience of a lifetime.
A motion picture touched with the fire...the genius...the lover...the man.
The possibilities were endless...