Ruthless, Invisible, Unstoppable Silent Assassins...the Ultimate Weapon.
He sold his soul to criminals and willed his honor to the devil! (Print Ad-Daily Star, ((Long Island City, NY)) 23 June 1932)
He Rode Tall And He Walked Tall... The Stranger out of Nowhere! The wagon train hated him, even after his gun had saved them from a massacre!
An all-live-action picture.
Millions followed her in battle . . . but no man could conquer the Viking Queen
From slaves to free men. From free men to soldiers. From soldiers to legends.
It's got ALL-STAR Names! It's got ACTION-PACKED Thrills! It's got ADVENTURE-LOADED Romance! It's got AMAZING Color!
The Kingdom will fall under his rule.
For The Fast Gun...For a Sheriff's Badge This Was The Land of Reckoning!
Travellers. Partners. Lovers. Robbers.
Giant Spectacle of the World's Mightiest Men!
The West's Most Savage Man-Chase...From Hell To Texas!
The most fantastic...most exciting serial ever made! (original release)
They called him saddle-bum...desert rat...pistolero...but where would they have been without Chuka on that bloody summer's day.
The battle lines are drawn between good and evil!