The screen dares reveal the best kept secrets of World War II !
He was a guy who marked 100 men for death - until a blonde called 'Angel' O'Hara marked him for life!
What you don't know can kill you.
What strange hold did this man have over the lives of these two beautiful women ?
Tortured by desires his vows forbid...master of a house of mortal sin!
They'd be bettter off with strangers.
The innocent. The ritual. The terror.
WHY DO PEOPLE SAY "s-s-sh!" when this book is mentioned? Are they afraid to admit that such things can be true? Some say it's hokum. Thousands swear it's gospel truth. Everybody says it's striking entertainment. (Print Ad-Daily Alaska Empire, ((Juneau, Alaska)) 28 January 1933)
It's all about the con.