First, he brought us the most frightening film ever made. Then he took his unique version of horror one step further. Now, George Romero takes us out of the night, beyond the dawn, and into the darkest day of horror the world has ever known
Некуда бежать. И нет смысла прятаться
Убийство, шантаж, искушение, спасение - это была тяжелая неделя
This land will be civilized.
Where Were You When Everything Changed?
Prepare for Murder, Mayhem & Madness.
Revenge comes home
This is revenge... And there's nothing sweet about it!
The gates of hell are unlocked
A game with no rules
The ultimate confrontation between good and evil!
Они вместе в месте, где правит смерть
On a lonely Texas road, time, space and murder are about to collide
She has the power . . . an evil destructive force
There's a bit of the beast in all of us
Get out while you can.
The nearer he gets to the truth, the closer he gets to the edge