First, he brought us the most frightening film ever made. Then he took his unique version of horror one step further. Now, George Romero takes us out of the night, beyond the dawn, and into the darkest day of horror the world has ever known
This is not your family, but this is your family.
Некуда бежать. И нет смысла прятаться
Rock and roll will never die
The movie with MUSCLE
An ancient device. A modern discovery. A terrifying tale of the eternal
Не относись к этому так серьезно, детка!
Толстые воры. Тонкий лед
The Order will find you
Всегда хочется большего
Есть возможность снова стать хорошим...
Чудо можно сотворить своими руками
Гений. Поэт. Мудозвон
"For now we see though a glass darkly; but then face to face; now I know in part; but then I shall know even as also I am known" I Corinthians 13:12
This is the indulgence of passion
A twisted love story from the filmmakers of «Trainspotting»