Revenge Gets Ugly
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Every step brings you closer to the edge.
The government taught him to kill. Now he's using his skills to help a woman seek revenge against the Miami underworld
The hunter and the hunted, the ultimate chase begins
What's a little murder among friends?
When you lead two different lives, it's easy to forget what side you're on
A detective story
Эл Гор был прав - потеплело глобально
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Чужак в незнакомом городе. Жена, задумавшая убийство. Муж желающий её смерти. Они думают, что все их беды позади... Но они только начинаются
MURDER! The blind guy couldn't see it. The deaf guy couldn't hear it. Now they're both wanted for it
The only thing standing between an assassin and his target is a father who must protect his son
A civilized weapon for uncivilized times
They never thought they'd be famous, but they always thought they'd be friends
Что-то происходит с Дэном. Это смущает. Это ставит в неловкое положение. Это любовь
Hold everything! The cadets are dropping in on Miami Beach for an all new adventure