Бойся не оружия, а того, кто им владеет
Вырваться из ада!
Загляни в глаза волка
Вернись назад в своей памяти
Страсть и насилие в американской школе
Their greatest battle would be for her love
Что же произошло на самом деле ?
The most controversial film of the twentieth century has just become the most controversial film of the twenty first century
Как тебя найдут, если никто не знает, что ты пропал?
His Sword Made Him a Hero... His Courage Made Him a Legend. This Summer, Justice is Blind.
He stands alone as the greatest entertainer of modern times! No one on earth can make you laugh as heartily or touch your heart as deeply...the whole world laughs, cries and thrills to his priceless genius!
Нет связи крепче, чем узы крови
We're not in Manhattan anymore.
Побойся Бога
An extraordinary story of hope, courage and humanity
In 1977, sex was safe, pleasure was a business, and business was booming.
Fear Revisited
Больше нет границ между игрой, легендой и реальностью
They took her in. Now she's taking them out