Obey That Impluse!!!!!
The most thrilling war scenes ever filmed!
The story of a woman slightly distracted by the possibilities of life.
It Takes All Kinds of Women to Love All Kinds of Men!
Every man has his price... and every woman pays it.
The Life...The Loves...The Crimes of Jack the Ripper!
Broadway's Most Romantic Musical Comedy comes to the Screen!!!
Don't fall for someone who's got more troubles than you.
THE BIGGEST LAUGH SHOW IDEA IN TEN YEARS (Original print ad - all caps)
The true story of the controversial romance between President Thomas Jefferson and Sally Hemings.
The more he hated her, the more she loved him...this girl of MANY loves who rose to rule a hundred million souls but could not govern her own heart. (Print Ad-New York Sun, ((New York NY)) 12 February 1934)
Two sexy cheats, one last steal
Elogiu al copilăriei libere şi solidarităţii dintre copii