It Captures The Flavor Of A Brawling Lusty Mexico!
She is married, lonely, and having an affair....
...the best-seller that tells Gloria's story...from first man to last!
He was a man ahead of his time. His ideas on love and sex shocked his generation
Today Her Greatest! For a woman there's always an excuse . . .
An Erotic Tale of Forbidden Passion
A comedy about a teacher and a very memorable student
A feast for the senses!
A Masterpiece of Romance...An Immortal Love Drama...A Never-to-be Forgotten Story Enacted by Three Great Stars..! (Print Ad, Philadelphia Inquirer, ((Philadelphia Penna.)) 29 August 1935)
Un triangulo diferente
A story about the amazing places life can take you.
Dietrich More Breath Taking Esquite than ever in the Royal Finery of Catherine the Greatest Lover History ever call a Queen! (original print ad- Lubbock Morning Avalanche - Lubbock, Texas - Sept.7, 1934)
The story of a love triangle ... and the four people trapped in it !