There's more to terror than meets the eye...
Survival isn't just for the living
Either The Most Neglected Hero In History Or A Liar Of Insane Proportion!
Дальше действовать будем мы
Votes for women.
A Frightened Journey Through the Macabre Corridors of Hell!
Two Great Stars Appear Together For the First Time!
A Generation Awakens
It only looks like the good life
Yesterday, they were only astronauts. Today, they're humanity's only hope
The Ultimate Horror Exerience!
Do Women Prefer The Beast In Men?
The Wax Figures Also Looked Like Other People - People Who Had Disappeared..........
A Point Blank Thriller
The rebellion against all there is
In many a distant village, there exists the Legend of the Werewolf or Wolf Man, a legend of a strange mortal man with the hair and fangs of an unearthly beast... his hideous howl, a dirge of death!
Sore de wa minasan, sayonara
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Courage has no color