How much can three friends share?
JUST TEN BABY FINGERS AND TEN BABY TOES - TROUBLES? - SCANDALS? - GOSH - NOBODY KNOWS! (print ad - Lubbock Morning Avalanche- Broadway Thatre - Lubbock, Texas - Nov. 14, 1939 - all caps)
Paramount introduces the beautiful, sensational, Jeanette MacDonald! Charming! Sexy! Funny! Romantic! Great entertainment!
All she wanted was everything.
Is it a question ...or an answer
Who's watching you?
A story of infidelity related in terms of economics.
More than eleven million French film-goers have made «To Die of Love» the most controversial motion picture in the history of France.
Were they the innocent victims of a whispering campaign? (Poster).
We can't tell you what this picture is about ... without giving away the secret that rocked the lives of five fabulous people!
The Best Cop Money Can't Buy