The love story behind the love song that's sweeping the country
Un monument!
JUST TEN BABY FINGERS AND TEN BABY TOES - TROUBLES? - SCANDALS? - GOSH - NOBODY KNOWS! (print ad - Lubbock Morning Avalanche- Broadway Thatre - Lubbock, Texas - Nov. 14, 1939 - all caps)
There is horror...there is terror...beyond them, there is THE LEGACY.
Став убийцей - не жди пощады!
I was married to a man other women pursued!
Hunted ... haunted ... hounded ...
Unpredictably it assaults your senses!
Not ONE WORD is spoken on the screen!
Were they the innocent victims of a whispering campaign? (Poster).
A Nightmare Manhunt For Maniac Prowler!
Dreams are at the Finish Line!
The Red-Headed Woman's Code: Every man - single or married - is fair prey.
He took another man's name... lived another man's life... loved another man's woman!
The master of crime cleans up the dirty game of murder!