A woman who had too many men!
It's not the company you keep. It's the company that keeps you.
Alamo Bay. A place where everyone risked everything for a piece of the American Dream.
Там где бесчинствуют мёртвые, живые обречены на страшную смерть...
Never Before Has a Film Shown the Whole Truth in All Its Naked Fury
A dream called freedom. A nightmare called Nicaragua.
You can't escape your darkest fear
Take matters into your own hands...
Where a fertile mind becomes insane.
The Unknown Has Revealed Itself
This is no field of dreams!
Revenge Is A Force Of Nature!
The Only Motion Picture Of Its Kind!
The Ugly - It's not a pretty picture!
Don't laugh little girl, better run for your life. The man you were talking to, has just murdered his wife!
He was a hired professional. But this was personal.