Наш мир. Их война
Хорошие парни носят чёрное
Будем мочить в сортире!
Не виноватая я, он сам пришёл
When five young outsiders on community service get caught in a strange storm they soon realise they have developed superpowers.
Они защищают наш мир от гостей с того света
Каждая молекула вашего тела может предать вас
We've always believed we weren't alone. On July 4th, we'll wish we were.
There Is Evil........On The Other Side
У каждого свой скелет в шкафу...
Безумства. Глупости. Любовь
And you thought YOUR teachers were weird...
Больше никаких правил
Part man. Part machine. All cop. The future of law enforcement
Самый знаменитый боксер Америки
His whole life was a million-to-one shot
Hit hard or go home
How do you wake up from a nightmare if you're not asleep?
Every punk on the block says it's not going to happen to them... but it does
Во тьме ночной, при свете дня...