There's only one passion more uncontrollable than love
Не стой у него на пути...
3 Days. 10 Killers, 20,000 Rounds of Ammo.
Good artists copy... Great artists steal.
Универсаму нужен герой... Прямо сейчас!!!
Sam Stone's wife has just been kidnapped... And he doesn't want her back!
Survival is no game
Better if all these men were dead. Think about it!
Спасайся кто может
Ничего изменить нельзя... теперь всем точно ... !
A thousand year old secret leads to murder
The threat of a new Cylon Empire is about to begin...
Пристально следят за своей жертвой
Змей вернулся
Каждый сам за себя
The motion picture the world has been waiting for!