There IS a fate worse than death
Беспощадное зло… Бешеная ярость… Благородная месть…
You are never too old to be young.
Каждая раскрытая тайна - лишь дверь в новую загадку
Love means never having to say you're sorry
The spring holds the secret, the secret of life and death
Even serial killers deserve a defense.
You can't escape the past
It takes a clever man to make money, it takes a genius to stay alive
Как далеко вы бы зашли, чтобы избавиться от прошлого?
Rage unleashed.
There is no honour amongst thieves
On a lonely Texas road, time, space and murder are about to collide
Sometimes a gift can be a curse
Men followed him. Women worshiped him. Rome trembled before him.
Corrupts Absolutely
The residents of Rockwell Falls are dying for you to visit... army of one.
Grand Prix de la Critique International Venice 1950