The producing team of «Big Daddy» has delivered another winner!
Freedom. Country. Honor. Passion. To save his best friend, one man must risk everything he loves
Не все свидания идут по плану
Catch him if you can
You see them on the street. You watch them on TV. You might even vote for one this fall. You think they're people just like you. You're wrong. Dead wrong
From walking disaster to kung fu master
Terror Wants Company!
Он хочет родиться...сейчас
Большое приключение. Большие деньги. Большие неприятности
Before Halloween.... Before Friday The 13th.... Before Scream.... There Was The Saw
На грани хаоса и террора приходит время нового героя
One, two, Freddy's coming for you... three, four, Jason's at your door...
Neko ni nattemo, iin janai?
Осторожно! Двери закрываются. Следующая остановка - АД!
Что-то злобное тут скачет
Он уничтожит вашу душу
Жизнь, смерть и что-то посередине
Sometimes life gives you the finger and sometimes it gives you...
Suspicion breeds confidence
A picture that goes beyond what men think about - because no man ever thought about it in quite this way!