Они не оставляют шансов
Sometimes we leave everything to find ourselves
Эффектные, роскошные и сексуальные!
She always gets a part
The Fantastic World of Fellini!
A briefcase full of blues
Их объединила мечта покорить Лос-Анджелес. Ведь только такой страстной и безотверженной любви может покориться город Ангелов
From the makers of the original «Airplane!» (not the Wright brothers)
Orca - the killer whale, is one of the most intelligent creatures in the universe. Incredibly, he is the only animal other than man who kills for revenge. He has one mate, and if she is harmed by man, he will hunt down that person with a relentless, terrible vengeance - across seas, across time, across all obstacles.
He stole the money... and he's not giving it back
If you haven't seen Sean Connery in «Never Say Never Again» then you haven't seen James Bond 007!
Когда вы ищете убийцу, то последний подозреваемый - ваш сын
The strangest story ever conceived by man
Мечты меняются. Друзья остаются
For those who have never seen it and those who have never forgotten it. (1980 re-release)